Eye are very much important part of human body organs, in some cases person born with congenital conditions such as scarred cornea, or leucocorea, Sclero-cornea  or someone who lost eyes at later stage of life, cosmetic correction become very very important for such individuals.

Cosmetic correction can be done with the help of oculoplasty surgeon, in case of
  some one eye is painful,  disfigured and bulging forward where a prosthetic  shell is impossible to fit, such individual  may have to go carefully evisceration as in case of manifest condition such as melanoma of eye, can lead to very sever problem, before going to evisceration or destructive procedure a Ultrasound of eye is very much needed, and decision to be taken.

Once the implant is placed, following 6-8 weeks of surgery, consultation with ocularist is desirable, how ever if the ocularist is know earlier, it is better as some time conformer which had been placed during surgery seems to be small or too big, a ocularist can find the best fit conformer, so that socket does not shrink and fits well, where after 6 weeks a impression of socket will be taken with the use of hydrophilic colloid which  give your ocularist a base to start.

With the wax shape which is being made by the impression of socket, help in improving the appearance of the defect such as volume loss, enophthalmic appearance, drooping of upper lids, and make a perfect position of Iris (Black portion of the eye) to look more symmetrical.

This shape will be further molded in stone molds to make the final shapes in Poly Methyla metha acrylate  to give a dimension stability of the prosthesis,

A iris which will be painted in Black painting disc to match the fellow eye is also prepared at the same time and fused with a corneal unit and cut on lathe machine to match the size of the normal eye. This is also placed in the mold and cured at 110 degree temperature so that it become one pcs prosthesis, after this vesseling and tinting of scleral shade is being done and eye will be cured at 85 degree temperature, and coated with Clear coat of PMMA,. Once the adequate polymerization happens, it will be polished and ready to restore the appearance of the lost eye.

How ever one should visit ocularist after 6 months for evaluation and polishing of the prosthesis, so that it remains fresh as always.

For more information visit http://www.customartificialeyes.org or call +919849193447