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Movement with your Prosthetic Eye

Kuldeep Raizada, Ph D, B.C.O. B.A.D.O. has extensive experience in fabricating artificial eyes for ocular implants with various kind of motility implants such as silicon, PMMA, Porous Implant, Hydroxyapetite implant, motility pegs.  Ocular implants such as Hydroxyapatite and Medpor are made of a porous material that can receive a peg attachment, If needed incase patient is not happy with normal eye movement, which can then be integrated with the prosthetic eye. This procedure greatly enhances the movement of the artificial eye.

Peg integration requires a minor surgical procedure in which the ophthalmologist creates a small hole in the front of the orbital implant and inserts a titanium screw. The remaining procedure of attaching the peg to the ocular prosthesis is performed by an ocularist.

Our team of board certified ocularists are available to provide you with a complete consultation of the advantages and disadvantages of motility peg integration. Their experience includes every available peg attachment system. This will provide you the comfort in knowing you are receiving the highest quality of care available.

You can see some of the patients, who have undergone for procedure Custom Artificial Eyes, Silicone Eye Prosthesis, Ear Prosthesis, Facial Prosthesis, Magnetic Eye Prosthesis, Digital Eye, Treatment for  mcirophthalmos & anophthalmos, with the Best ocularist in India, for the best Artificial eye and Facial Prosthesis, by Deepa D Raizada & Kuldeep Raizada, who are the world's Best Artificial eye maker and Facial Prosthesis Fabricator,  at international Prosthetic Eye Center, India